- Today, we'll focus on Entity Resolution, which enables you to add synonyms to your slot values and validate that a user actually said one of them. The Alexa service will then handle resolving the synonyms to your slot values. This simplifies your code since you don't have to write any code to match the synonym that user said to your slot value.
- A slot type is a list of values that Amazon Lex uses to train the machine learning model to recognize values for a slot. For example, you can define a slot type called ' Genres. ' Each value in the slot type is the name of a genre, 'comedy,' 'adventure,' 'documentary,' etc. You can define a synonym for a slot type value.
- Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Value
- Alexa Slot Value Synonyms List
- Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Thesaurus
- Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Dictionary
A company like Amazon has multiple value propositions, as it serves several target customers in different markets. With its mission 'to be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices,' Amazon value propositions range from 'Easy to read on the go' for a.
In my previous post about How To Add OAUTH to your Alexa app in 10 minutes a couple of people commented that they couldn't actually access the users information once they had linked their account. I didn't actually try and access any of the user information because the only user of my skill is me, and I already know my name and email address. Nevertheless, I had a quick play with it over the weekend and here's a simple skill to show you how to access the user's profile information from a Python skill running in AWS Lambda.
First of all you need to make sure your skill is set up to use Login With Amazon. I've covered this for Smart Home skills here but it works just the same for normal skills.
You also need to make sure your skill is configured to use the scopes 'profile' and 'postal_code'. This is done in the Configuration tab in the developer console for your skill:
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Value
The Interaction Model for this skill is as follows:
Slots free spins no deposit 2018. The Custom Slot type 'Options' is:
And the Sample Utterances are:
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms List
And here's the code (also on GitHub here):
The important part is:
Once that is available to your Lambda script then you know that the user has done the OAUTH account linking, and then you can query the Amazon APIs for the user's info.
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Thesaurus
I'm not proud of this code, so I will tidy it up in to a better demo at some point and update this post accordingly.
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Dictionary
You also need to make sure your skill is configured to use the scopes 'profile' and 'postal_code'. This is done in the Configuration tab in the developer console for your skill:
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Value
The Interaction Model for this skill is as follows:
Slots free spins no deposit 2018. The Custom Slot type 'Options' is:
And the Sample Utterances are:
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms List
And here's the code (also on GitHub here):
The important part is:
Once that is available to your Lambda script then you know that the user has done the OAUTH account linking, and then you can query the Amazon APIs for the user's info.
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Thesaurus
I'm not proud of this code, so I will tidy it up in to a better demo at some point and update this post accordingly.
Alexa Slot Value Synonyms Dictionary
Here's a quick video of what it does: